0800 0511 511

Call free 24 hours a day

0800 0511 511

Call free 24 hours a day

Accident Compensation Helpline

Right To Be Forgotten

Our Commitment

Accident Compensation Helpline Ltd is committed to ethical practices and does not engage in cold calling. However, we understand that, on occasion, incorrect information may be entered on our website. This can be costly for our business, and we take every measure to prevent unnecessary calls.

We appreciate that receiving an unexpected call may be frustrating. To help us resolve this matter as quickly as possible, please complete the form below.

Once submitted, we will process the removal of your personal and identifiable data from our system in accordance with GDPR regulations, with the exception of this request itself.

For compliance purposes, this request will be securely stored separately from our core processing activities and will only be accessible to select employees. This ensures we can demonstrate, if required, that your request has been actioned.

Make a request to be deleted

We will action your request within 30 days