0800 0511 511

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0800 0511 511

Call free 24 hours a day

Accident Compensation Helpline

Right To Request My Data

Your data

We recognize that individuals have the right to access a copy of their personal data.

To protect your privacy and ensure this information is provided securely, we may ask for additional details to verify your identity.

We understand this process may feel frustrating, but completing the form below will allow us to handle your request as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Once submitted, we will process your request and provide the relevant personal data from our system.

Your data

You have a number of legal rights over the personal information held by us† :

† Please note we will only be able to accommodate this request where it is no longer necessary for the purpose(s) for which it was provided or where we no longer have a lawful basis to process your personal information, and the right to receive the personal information we hold about you in a portable format, however this need only be provided in limited circumstances where the processing has been done by automated means.

If you would prefer your data is deleted, you can make a request for this on our Delete me page

Request my data (Subject Access Request)

We will action your request within 28 days